Has anybody ever given you permission to be yourself?
If not, I give you permission to be yourself.

Not that you need permission to be yourself, but
so often we feel like it’s not okay to be ourselves,
to be how we want to be or act like how we want to

We worry so much about what others will think of us if
we act or talk a certain way, but of course we don’t want
to make a fool of ourselves in public that’s not what I’m
talking about.

I’m just talking about you being who you are and expressing
what you feel. Not trying to be someone that you’re not.
Sometimes we may not even know who we are and that’s

Maybe now would be a good time to dig down deep
and find out. Maybe you used to know who you are
but you forgot for whatever reason. Maybe it’s buried
way down deep inside you and I would say to you that
Now is the time to dig it up

Now is a good time to be who you are. Express how you feel.
We live in such a wonderful time. This is the 21st century where
there is so many things for us to experience. You don’t want to
get to an age and stage in your life and realize that the real you
hasn’t had the opportunity to live and experience those heart felt
desires that have been in your heart.

There’s no time to be anything but who we really are!

I’ve noticed when I am really being myself; I experience a lot of happiness.
I like to express myself by saying things that are out-of-the-box and
I work really hard on being funny; having a sense of humor. Sometimes
I think I’m being funny but on occasion my family doesn’t think I am,
but that’s okay because I’m being myself.

And that’s all … that matters!

I’m OK with knowing that I gave myself permission to be say things
that are out of the box and say things that I think are funny.

I invite you to be yourself. Try it out. See what happens. It might bring
you a lot of happiness and new experiences that you never thought possible.
I know it has worked for me.

Leave a comment below and let me know what you think and tell me
if you have given yourself permission to be who you really are.


Janin Johnston
The Fashionable Finance Coach

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