Have you ever noticed that from the time that girls are babies that they
want to be ableWomen Want Freedom.jpg to do things by themselves when ever they want to
and not when someone else wants them to.  I’m sure you’ve seen it
for yourself or heard about it from family and friends.  It’s a really funny
thing to watch, especially if you’re not the parent!  🙂

It continues on through the teenage years and the desire for freedom
becomes even stronger as young teenager girls get to experience life
a lot more:  the more freedom they have, the more they want… now
that’s a great thing!  Young women recognize the endless
possibilities that exist
out there in the world and not only what’s in
the world directly around them. (with a lot of help from social media)

The feel for and meaning of freedom is different for everyone, and that’s where
creativity starts.  Once a young woman experiences freedom in her life, there’s
no turning back and when she has her mind set on something… watch out!,
because the creative juices are flowing like a waterfall and she has the power
to do great things and be an influence for good even at this young age.  She’s
very aware of her strengths and weaknesses.

Freedom allows the creative juices to start flowing if you let it.

Now move forward into adulthood and it’s time to rock and roll.  There’s
something that happens when a teenage girl becomes a young adult and
is out of high school, freedom takes over and she feels unstoppable (and
maybe invincible too).  She is not limited by what boundaries her parents
have set for her as a teen, she’s independent now and there’s no turning

There’s an endless list of freedoms that all women can enjoy and do enjoy:

And the list goes on … it doesn’t matter where you live in this world, these freedoms
are free; given to everyone from God.

Having and using that freedom is very important, it’s not something to take for granted
for forget about.  As soon as a woman stops’ using her freedom to be and do great
things in her life is when she can slip into depression and feel very frustrated.
Not a happy place!

Women Want Freedom!  There’s just no if’s, and’s, or but’s about it.

What does freedom mean to you, what freedoms do you value and enjoy right now
in your life?

Make sure that you always remember what freedoms you value and that are
important to you, so that you always live your life with a lot of creativity and can
continue to be unstoppable.  Whether you believe that you’re unstoppable or
not, I’m here to tell you that you and all women ARE unstoppable.  That’s our
gift as women!

Be free and share your gift!