Women need to make talking about their finances fashionable.
Which means that it should be OK to talk about your finances.
There’ no if(s), and(s) or but(s).

When women get together they talk a lot about many things.
They talk about themselves, they talk about their kids if they have
any, they talk about their boyfriend or husband, they talk about
their job or what kind of work their doing now.

So, why, don’t they talk about money or finances? It’s pretty much
the same.

This is the 21st century and things are very different now than they were
just 13 years ago when it was the 20th century.

The world has changed, the economy has changed, our food has changed,
the way we do business has changed (dramatically).

Women need to start talking about things like money and finances, which,
is necessary to living in this world.

Talking about it is not a shameful thing. They talk about it with our bank teller
and they talk about it with our accountant or CPA when it’s necessary, but
not necessarily to get educated out how we can be better managers of it
or how they can make it grow in a better way that will benefit them and their

Remember, most women work really hard for the money that they earn. Why
not make it (the money) work harder for you in return.

Women love win-win situations!

The more women get together to talk about money and finances, helping each
other to get educated about it, helping each other make it OK to talk and learn
about it, the better their lives will be and the lives of people they take care of too.

This, Ladies, is a WIN-WIN situation.


Janin Johnston



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One Response

  1. This is how women relate to each other and through this process they learn and grow. Money is one of the last taboos and is something many of us are uncomfortable discussing. Creating safe and open spaces for women to talk about money is one of the missing gaps in financial and investor education. For sure, financial literacy is a major problem. However, the solutions, which are offered by financial institutions, are all the same — workshops and courses on investing, budgets, wills, and getting your finances in order.

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