‘What’s your style’ is the question I have asked women, and these are some of the things
that they’ve said when the subject of style came up. …. Ummm, I don’t know.’
or ‘I’m a jeans and  t-shirt kind of girl’ or ‘I like pants, no dresses’ or ‘I’m not sure really what
my style is’ or ‘no nonsense’. It’s very interesting to hear these answers because most women
don’t really think about what their style is.

So you might ask, ‘Why are you talking about style anyway, what does that have to do with
anything?  Well, I’m glad you asked. Now is the time to think about that.
There is a style to everything that you do: The way you dress, the way you decorate your home,
the way you throw a party, the way you write, the way you behave, even the way you talk.
A lot of people haven’t really thought of these things as a style.

I want to talk about the way you dress.  Whether you even realize it or not, how you dress does
affect the way you feel, act and carry yourself.  This applies to men too, even though I posed the
question to women about style.

What I have found in the 28 years that I’ve been sewing for and dressing women, is that most
of the time they aren’t paying attention to the style that they like and how it will look on them.
What tends to happen is that when they go shopping for clothes, they are usually drawn to a
color that they like regardless if that color looks good on them when they put the item of clothing
on.  And sometimes it doesn’t even fit right on their body.

What you wear really does have a psychological effect on you when you get dressed, that’s why
some people will put on two or three different outfits before leaving home.  It could be that in your
mind you might see that a certain outfit you put on doesn’t look or feel good at that moment,
but you can’t figure out why so you take it off and put on another outfit and so on.

Usually this happens because of one or all of these three things: the fit, color, and style.
When you’re wearing something that fits you right, the color is the right shade for your skin tone
and the style compliments or accentuates your body in the right places, you will always feel
good when you get dressed at the start of your day.

When these three things are in place you will always feel good about what you wear, you will act
accordingly without even realizing it and you will carry yourself in a way that people will start to
notice that something is different about you (for the better).

Take an inventory of what’s in your closet and start being honest with yourself about your clothes
and if it makes you feel alive when you put it on.

email me now at http://janin@fashionablefinance.com

Passionately Creating!

Janin Johnston