The difference, It’s like night and day the way men and women think about their money,
it’s amazing how the different it really is.  Of course this is not the case for ever single
person out there in the world, but it is pretty common.

Listed below are 3 major differences that I see and hear all the time:

Difference #1 – Men aren’t afraid to ask for the amount of money they want and women
                            will just take what ever is given to them.

Difference #2 – Men don’t get over emotional about money and women will feel like
                            their not good enough.

Difference #3 – Men know that they need to make money to live and aren’t afraid to
                           go and do whatever they need to and women worry about finding 
                           just the right job first.

These 3 major differences can be a good or bad thing depending on a persons situation.
The only good thing I see is that we can learn something from these differences.

Men usually model their lives after their father or male figure that was in their life and
women usually do the same, finding themselves doing things just like their mother
or woman figure.  Sometimes men and women don’t even realize that they do these
kinds of things.

Difference #1 can be very scary for a lot of women, asking for money is not something
that is taught will growing up while men just seem to have that ability naturally.
You could ask yourself a question like:  How can I have the courage to ask for money?
Getting help from people that know how to help you is a must.

Difference #2, it’s real important to keep emotions out of the topic of money even though
it’s a hard thing to do because everyone is in a different place with their emotionally.
Ladies, when ever the subject of money comes up, remind yourself that getting over
emotional about money is not going to empower you or make your money situation
better.  Reminding yourself continually may be a great way to keep your emotions in
check.  Try it, you might like it!

Difference #3, quite often men will take the first job offer that comes their way if they
know they need money and they need it now and then they will consider looking at
other options.  Women have a great need to be happy where ever they are and at what
ever they are doing, that’s why it may take a little longer for women to find work because
they need to do a lot of research on each company or place that they are considering
before they apply and move forward.  

Ladies, if you’re not in a rush or need money immediately, I would keep doing what you’re
doing when looking for work.  Keep doing your research and find those places that you
know would make you happy.  But, if you do need money immediately, I would recommend
that you take action quickly and find something that will bring in income immediately and
then keep doing your research on finding work that will bring you happiness and job

It’s O.K. that men and women are different, that’s what makes life so interesting.
Oh yah, and keeps us on our toes!  Never a dull moment.

We can learn something from men. 🙂