What’s going on in the world right now with all the ads you see and hear
every where targeted to you to buy, buy, buy, making you want to shop,
shop, shop! 
It can become very overwhelming at times.  Do you have
the ability to control your shopping and buying impulses?

Do you really need to buy, buy, buy gadgets, gizmos and goodies
all the time?  
Probably not!

The media has conditioned people to respond to those types of
advertising, making you feel like you have to have what their
advertising:  you can look cool, beautiful or hip if you just wear this
certain clothes, shoes, hat, jewelry… and even driving a certain car
can do all of those things they claim.

I would say to you…don’t buy into all of that crazy advertising.  That much buying
and shopping will not make you happy long term.  Yes, it sure is fun to go shopping,
but buying a lot of things that you really don’t need can stress you out in the long
run, especially if you are spending more than you have.

It can also affect your personal and family relationships at the same time that it’s
stressing you out.  Having a stressed relationship can prevent you from getting a
good night sleep.

The key to controlling your shopping and buying impulses is to really take an
look at what you want for the future.  It’s so easy to think about the now
and satisfy your wants in the moment that thinking about the future in not even on
your mind.

Why would it be anyway…the constant advertising of merchandise that you are
bombarded with on a minute by minute and hour by hour basis can really keep
you only focused on the now and the “I have to have it now” attitude, also known
as instant gratification!

Don’t give in to all of that advertising!

Think about your future.  Here are some things to think abou that would help you
to control your shopping and buying impulses:

These questions are a great place to start to really become an empowered person and
stand in your own strength and not give in to all of the crazy advertising you see.

It’s worth the time to ask yourself those questions!