If you had an extra $1,000.00 a month, what would you do with it?

Women always have amazing ideas about the things that they would love to do with
an extra $1,000.00 a month.  I’m pretty sure that you have at least thought about what
you would do with any extra money that you receive.  I’ve heard it over and over in
conversations about what women would do with that money, there is no end to the

Now that’s something exciting to imagine!

It’s safe to say that most of that money would go towards paying off a bill or credit
card, buying something that you feel is needed for your child or children, helping an
extended family member pay for something or giving them some of that extra money
for whatever reason.

And that’s exactly how it should be!  Money is meant to be shared with others…but…
what about you?

Why haven’t you bought or paid for something special just for you?

It is perfectly Okay to buy something for yourself.  If you feel like you can’t because you
need permission, then I will give you permission.  It doesn’t make you a selfish person,
if anything it makes you feel like you have value and you’re worth it.

Too many times women give and give and give to everybody else and then put them-
selves last, and still not giving themselves anything.  Not a healthy way to live, that’s
for sure.

Now with that permission you have to buy something for yourself, go and then do great
things with that extra money that you receive; whether it’s a one time amount or a monthly
amount.  It’s all meant to be share, with YOU and others.