The Perception Of An 11-Year-Old Girl

Just recently I was working with three girls on a creating a notebook
for a specific project that they were working on.
The ages of these girls are – one is 10 years old and the
other two girls are 11 years old!
Well, as I was talking to one of the 11 year old, the other two
girls were having a little conversation of their own and then
I heard one of them say – “HO, you’re rich you have an iPhone!”
So, I turned to her and asked her to repeat what she just exclaimed.
She had no problem with repeating it to me the same way.

Now, I thought that was pretty interesting that she has that kind of
perception at her age. Where did she get that kind of idea?
I immediately told her that just because she has an iPhone doesn’t
necessarily mean that she’s rich. It’s just that her parents choose
what they want to spend their money on.

Well, she didn’t say anything about it after that and I’m
not sure if she got what I was trying to get her to understand,
but I’m glad that I said it.

It’s so important for adults to talk to and teach as many young kids
as possible, important things like that. They need to know that
people make choices every day of their lives. Especially when
it involves money and what they want to spend it on.
Those choices are based on how they feel and what is
important to them, even when they aren’t rich.

Let’s start talking to this young generation of kids. Their level
of understanding and perception is greater then ever before.


Janin Johnston