When was the last time you had a light bulb moment?
Were there little sparks that happened first?

Sometimes there are a lot of sparks that happen over a
period of time before the light bulb moment happens.

The sparks (thoughts and feelings) start to go off in your
understanding of life and soon those sparks will lead to the light
bulb going on in your mind. Hopefully you”ll experience that light
bulb moment sooner rather than later.

And having to navigate life and how you’re going to survive is one
of those things that everyone has to go through and experience.
Because you are forced to go through those things, it forces you
to do things that you didn’t really want to.

Take for example, saving money when you have to support yourself,
creating a spending plan and manage your finances to be able to
pay all of your bills.

It takes time to learn about your money and to manage your finances
well, not to mention other things too.

That is definitely when you want those little sparks to happen, when
you’re trying to do all of those things.  It probably already is happening
for you (those little sparks), but maybe you just haven’t realized it or
paid any attention to it.

I experience those little sparks quite a lot before the light bulb
goes on in my mind.  That moment is so awesome that you wish it
would happen a lot more often.

I can just imagine the expression on my face! I should have taken
a picture of myself just to see. (I’m just trying to be funny)

So what can you do to begin to experience those sparks if
you think you’re

One thing that I would suggest for you is to pay attention to those
moments throughout your day when you have those sparks,
write them down as quickly as you can. You know what happens
when you have a thought or a great idea and don’t write it down?
You forget it just as quickly as it came. Don’t you just strongly
dislike that?

Write it on anything you can, even a napkin will do. I’ve done that
before, can’t be picky when a great idea comes around.
You can always rewrite it where ever you want after that.

As you start to consistently write things down, you’ll start to see those
sparks one at a time (thoughts and feelings) and that’s what you should
aim for. You might get a lot of little sparks
for a long period of time
before your light bulb moment happens.
  Or you might be one of those
people that only need a couple of
sparks and you’re all lit up.

Whatever that is for you that’s great. The main thing is that you get
those sparks and what a wonderful day it will be when that light bulb
moment happens for you!

Re-read this article again a week from now and see if you get
anything else out of reading it a second time. A spark just might happen
for you today. You will learn something new the second time around.


Janin Johnston
The Fashionable Finance Coach

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