What Is Your Style?

Do you even have a style?  I want to talk about it because many people are confused about style. Have you heard people talk about the different styles called – a girly look, a edgy look, a classic look, a vintage look, a sporty look, a beach-y look, a bohemian look, a punk rock look? […]

Do You Have Bumps And Bulges You Want To Hide?

Find out what a printed fabric can do for you! There are many types of fabric out there like I mentioned in my previous video and I want to share with you in this video about the design or print that’s on the fabric of the clothes that you’re wearing. Sometimes when you go shopping […]

Money Can Take The Luster Out Of Life

Do you ever feel like money takes the luster out of life? Money is something people really don’t like to talk about, but we all want money. We have to get to a point where we get comfortable talking about it and figure out how we can deal with it and not let it suck […]