Do Things Differently In Your Life!

I’ve always tried to do things a little differently in my life. I can remember when I was a kid having that thought and feeling of wanting to do things how I wanted to do it and when I wanted to do it. (Sorry Mom!) I’m pretty sure I gave my Mom and other family […]

Are You A Woman With A Plan?

Women usually have a plan for something that they really want and sometimes they don’t even realize that they’ve made a plan because it’s been something that they do naturally and have been doing it for so long, that they don’t feel the need to have it written out. Sometimes I think that as little […]

What’s Your Style?

‘What’s your style’ is the question I have asked women, and these are some of the things that they’ve said when the subject of style came up. …. Ummm, I don’t know.’ or ‘I’m a jeans and  t-shirt kind of girl’ or ‘I like pants, no dresses’ or ‘I’m not sure really what my style […]