Sugar and Guilt

Ask any woman about sugar and she’ll have a lot to say. She’ll tell you that she loves sugar, in all it’s varieties, some more than others.  She can even tell you how the flavor taste while she’s eating it and for some reason you can almost taste it in your mouth as if you were really eating […]

Learning To Make Friends With Your Money: How This Funny Idea Is A Good Idea

Have you ever thought about money in that way?  Making friends with it? If you haven’t, then great!  I want to take you down a road of friendship. Think about a friend that you have that’s a really good friend.  You both get along really well, you’re always happy to see each other, there’s always […]

Women Need To Make Talking About Their Finances Fashionable

Women need to make talking about their finances fashionable. Which means that it should be OK to talk about your finances. There’ no if(s), and(s) or but(s). When women get together they talk a lot about many things. They talk about themselves, they talk about their kids if they have any, they talk about their […]