Episode #8 – Ladies, Let’s Get Control Of Your Finances!

Aloha, have you ever wondered if your finances were controlling you? In this episode, I talk about why you need to get control of your finances, some of the ways in which to do that and how you are affected by not having the necessary control of money coming in and money going out each month. What […]

Episode #7 – Holistic Health with Bridgit Danner

Aloha, in this episode I interview Bridgit Danner who is an online women’s health practitioner at bridgitdanner.com. Her career in healthcare began in 2004 as an acupuncturist in Portland, Oregon.  After honing her skills in community and private acupuncture clinic, and the Yoga-Health studio, Yoga Pearl, she opened her own clinic in 2007. In the excitement and stress of opening a […]

Episode #5 – Emotional Shopping

In this episode, I take you on a journey of what it’s like to go on an emotional shopping trip that many women have taken in order for them to feel better from any pain that they feel. I share 5 Things That You or Anyone Can Do Right Away  That Will Help. I invite you to listen to this episode and see if you’ve ever been […]