Taking Care Of Yourself

We live in such a busy world and taking care of yourself seems to come last – if at all. It’s important to take care of yourself during this holiday season and every day of your life. Take a least 15 minutes every morning to exercise, stretch and do something to take care of your […]

Cheap VS. Expensive-How Do You Live Your Life? – Video

  Cheap vs expensive, how do you live your life? You have to have money to live on but you don’t haveto think about living a life where you’re thinking thatyou always have to have a cheap mindset. Your finances have a lot of emotional pull on you. Do you look at life as having to […]

Clothes With V-Neckline

I have the next video for you about necklines.  In the first video about necklines, I talked about why it’s important and why you should care.  How opposites attract as far as your jawline and the neckline that your wearing and how people are attracted to skin. In this video, I’m going to talk to you specifically about the V-neckline.  Also in […]