Your Self-Worth Matters!

Have you ever felt like there are some things that you’re struggling with and that you’ll never overcome them?  I know I have! There seems to be a problem that’s common among many of the women that I talk with in my community, women that I teach and women that I do business with… and, it’s low self-worth.  Have […]

Are You A Shopaholic?

I had an interesting conversation with a young bank teller yesterday, and I would guess that she’s in her early 20’s – she was very open to sharing her thoughts with me. As she was working on my financial transaction, I was curious to know if she managed her money(better) and made better financial decisions because she worked at the […]

What You Do, Depends On How You Feel, About What You Know

Have you ever wondered why you do the things you do or why youdon’t do certain things?  I certainly have.  It’s been something thatI’ve been thinking about for a long, long time. A few years ago I heard someone say that ‘What You Do, DependsOn How You Feel, About What You Know’, for some reason I […]