What Do You Give Yourself Credit For? Part 2 – Video

This is a continuation of the video from last week with the sametitle – What Do You Give Yourself Credit For? And I hope you did the exercise that I suggested that you dowhich was to write down on paper all the little things that you’renot noticing that you can give yourself credit for. Doing […]

What Do You Give Yourself Credit For? Part 1 – Video

What do you give yourself credit for?Ask yourself that question and just give it a minute,because of a lot of the times, we don’t give ourselvescredit for the things we do. We work really hard at certain things in our lives andthen when we’ve gotten really good at something,we don’t give ourselves credit. We really […]

Cheap VS. Expensive-How Do You Live Your Life? – Video

  Cheap vs expensive, how do you live your life? You have to have money to live on but you don’t haveto think about living a life where you’re thinking thatyou always have to have a cheap mindset. Your finances have a lot of emotional pull on you. Do you look at life as having to […]