Being ‘OK’ With Being Unique And Being Yourself!

I want you to be OK with you being unique and for you to be with being yourself, this is something that so many women struggle with. They are not embracing who they are because of comparison. We are more than a 3D person, we have personalities, feeling and all the other things that make […]

What To Do About Comparing Yourself

Do you compare yourself to other people? Comparing yourself to other people is not a new topic. Comparison is not equal because we are all created differently, we are all unique and have our own gifts.  That’s the beauty of life. There’s no two people that are alike, even identical twins are different. It’s a natural […]

Feeling And Being Discouraged

Feeling discouraged can be very frustrating especially if you feel discouraged a lot!  This is what I know: the word ‘discourage’ is the direct opposite of ‘courage’. I know that many women have been discouraged once or twice in their lives (maybe more). Being discouraged can make you crazy! Especially if you hold on to the feeling […]