Made Money Mistakes? No Problem, Two Questions To Ask Yourself

Made Money Mistakes?  No Problem, Two Questions To Ask Yourself We’ve all done it … made money mistakes.  At the tine that we are making these money mistakes, it’s not in our awareness that we will regret it sooner or later.  After all it’s what’s making us happy at the moment so why would it […]

Sugar and Guilt

Ask any woman about sugar and she’ll have a lot to say. She’ll tell you that she loves sugar, in all it’s varieties, some more than others.  She can even tell you how the flavor taste while she’s eating it and for some reason you can almost taste it in your mouth as if you were really eating […]

Are You In Survival Mode?

You might not even realize that you are in survival mode because life gets so busy and you make yourself even busier, falling into a day to day routine and next thing you know the busyness of life swoops in and causes you to become numb to the many wonderful wonders of life. Sometimes it […]