You Have Value & Self-Worth

I want to talk to you about your self-worth, this is one thing that I like to talk about because I find that it’s a lot of problem for people, especially women. We all struggle with things in our life and that’s part of life, but I find that low self-worth is such a major struggle for women. Watch […]

Body Image, How It Affects You

One of the things that I’ve discovered by working with women is that they suffer from really poor body image.  It’s really hard to look good in your clothes if you have a really poor body image, because your poor body image shows up in your posture, how you stand how you walk, how you […]

Your Self-Worth Matters

Most people don’t like to talk about self-worth, but did you know that self-wroth drives everything that you do. If you feel like you don’t have any worth, it’s really hard to get anything done and it’s really hard to accomplish things. It’s time to start thinking about what value you have. Your self-worth matters!