Made Money Mistakes? No Problem, Two Questions To Ask Yourself

Made Money Mistakes?  No Problem, Two Questions To Ask Yourself We’ve all done it … made money mistakes.  At the tine that we are making these money mistakes, it’s not in our awareness that we will regret it sooner or later.  After all it’s what’s making us happy at the moment so why would it […]

Don’t Look Back

There are times in your life that you don’t always make the best decisions about certain things and so it is, it’s done, you’ve done things that you wish you didn’t.   Hopefully you can see the lesson that was being taught as you were in the middle of your “not so great decisions”.  Like that says […]

Learning To Make Friends With Your Money: How This Funny Idea Is A Good Idea

Have you ever thought about money in that way?  Making friends with it? If you haven’t, then great!  I want to take you down a road of friendship. Think about a friend that you have that’s a really good friend.  You both get along really well, you’re always happy to see each other, there’s always […]