What’s Going On In The World With All The Advertising?

What’s going on in the world right now with all the ads you see and hear every where targeted to you to buy, buy, buy, making you want to shop, shop, shop!  It can become very overwhelming at times.  Do you have the ability to control your shopping and buying impulses? Do you really need to buy, buy, […]

Do You Worry If There Is Enough Money?

Worry, it’s something that a lot of people do and seems to be a common thing, is it necessary?  Well that’s a personal thing. What is worry?  Basically it’s constant thoughts about something that plays in your mind over and over and over again.  You might get to a point where  you say to yourself […]

What’s The Difference Between How Men and Women Think About Money?

The difference, It’s like night and day the way men and women think about their money, it’s amazing how the different it really is.  Of course this is not the case for ever single person out there in the world, but it is pretty common. Listed below are 3 major differences that I see and hear all […]