Finances…Something To Think About

One of the greatest stresses that we have in our lives is our finances. It’s important to think about our finances and how it makes us feel.   Leave a comment below and let me know what you think. How are you dealing with the stress?

The Perception Of An 11-Year-Old Girl

The Perception Of An 11-Year-Old Girl Just recently I was working with three girls on a creating a notebook for a specific project that they were working on. The ages of these girls are – one is 10 years old and the other two girls are 11 years old! Well, as I was talking to […]

What’s Your Style?

‘What’s your style’ is the question I have asked women, and these are some of the things that they’ve said when the subject of style came up. …. Ummm, I don’t know.’ or ‘I’m a jeans and  t-shirt kind of girl’ or ‘I like pants, no dresses’ or ‘I’m not sure really what my style […]