What’s Going On In The World With All The Advertising?

What’s going on in the world right now with all the ads you see and hear every where targeted to you to buy, buy, buy, making you want to shop, shop, shop!  It can become very overwhelming at times.  Do you have the ability to control your shopping and buying impulses? Do you really need to buy, buy, […]

What Would You Do With Extra Money Each Month?

If you had an extra $1,000.00 a month, what would you do with it? Women always have amazing ideas about the things that they would love to do with an extra $1,000.00 a month.  I’m pretty sure that you have at least thought about what you would do with any extra money that you receive. […]

Is Your Money Distracting You?

Your day can be very stressful with all kinds of distractions around you where ever you go, things like: people talking, the television when it’s on, your computer, your cell phone, and more.  It’s amazing that you can even get anything done during the day! Innovation is great because it give us so many great things […]