Episode #4 – The Starter’s Club with Erin Smith

Aloha, in this episode of the Fashionable Finance Podcast, I interview Erin Smith who is the Owner and Founder of The Starters Club. After starting and selling several businesses, she heard time and time again from others how they wanted to start a business. Their reason for not starting was always they didn’t know where to begin.  […]

Episode #3 – Women Love To Give!

Episode #3-Women Love To Give!   Aloha, In this episode of the Fashionable Finance Podcast,I talk about some of the reasons why women love to give. The reason I chose this topic of ‘Women Love To Give’ isbecause there is such a big gap between why women giveand what they get out of it. It’s pretty evident that […]

Episode #2 – What Women Think Is Their Greatest Stress With Their Finances

Episode #2-What Women Think Is Their Greatest Stress With Their Finances!   Aloha, In this episode of the Fashionable Finance Podcast,I talk about the first question I asked while interviewingwomen for the last two years. That question is:What Is The Greatest Stress When It Comes To YourFinances? These are the top four answers that I got:1)  Lack of […]