Are You A Woman With A Plan?

Women usually have a plan for something that they really want and sometimes they don’t even realize that they’ve made a plan because it’s been something that they do naturally and have been doing it for so long, that they don’t feel the need to have it written out. Sometimes I think that as little […]

What Does Financial Freedom Mean To You?

Have you ever thought about financial freedom? Has anyone every asked you that question before? I recently interviewed some women and asked them what financial freedom meant to them, and everyone that I asked had something different to say about what it meant to them. They all had to think about it for a few […]

How Can We Make Talking About Our Finances Fashionable?

Most of us women don’t like to talk about our finances, we are afraid of people finding out how much money we make or how much money we have in our bank accounts. One person I talked to said that she feels like it’s a taboo for women to talk about money. Why is that?  So many of […]