Comparing Yourself To Other People

Comparing yourself to other people is something that most people do and I hear it everywhere I go. Most people have a natural tendency to compare themselves to other people like their siblings, a neighbor, a friend, or even a movie star, the list is endless. The whole comparing yourself to your sibling thing starts […]

Learning To Make Friends With Your Money: How This Funny Idea Is A Good Idea

Have you ever thought about money in that way?  Making friends with it? If you haven’t, then great!  I want to take you down a road of friendship. Think about a friend that you have that’s a really good friend.  You both get along really well, you’re always happy to see each other, there’s always […]

Should You Save It, Spend It, Splurge It or Savor It?

Did you get a tax return this year?  Now I know from past experience that when I got a tax return, the first thing that I wanted to do was to spend it.  Even before I got the tax return in my hot little hands I was already thinking about what I wanted to buy. So, I ask […]