Women Want Freedom!

Have you ever noticed that from the time that girls are babies that they want to be able to do things by themselves when ever they want to and not when someone else wants them to.  I’m sure you’ve seen it for yourself or heard about it from family and friends.  It’s a really funny thing to watch, especially if you’re […]

Are You Your Own Worst Critic?

Sometimes we can be our own worst critic.  Why do we do that to ourselves and what good will it do? Criticizing is a direct reflection of who we compare our selves to and making all kinds of judgments. There’s the internal criticizing and then there’s the verbal criticizing, it happens all the time.  Have […]

What Would You Do With Extra Money Each Month?

If you had an extra $1,000.00 a month, what would you do with it? Women always have amazing ideas about the things that they would love to do with an extra $1,000.00 a month.  I’m pretty sure that you have at least thought about what you would do with any extra money that you receive. […]