How Do You Want To Show Up?

How you show up in your life is something that is a hard thing to talk about, but we need to talk about it. We have to improve and get better as we get older. How do you want to show up in your life, how do you want to be? Ask yourself each day-how […]

You Have Value & Self-Worth

I want to talk to you about your self-worth, this is one thing that I like to talk about because I find that it’s a lot of problem for people, especially women. We all struggle with things in our life and that’s part of life, but I find that low self-worth is such a major struggle for women. Watch […]

Can You Afford To Call In Sick?

In this video I share a story about my experience that I recently had when I went to a store that I usually go to, and it was about the cashier who was sick and felt really terrible. Her financial situation must be so bad that she felt like she couldn’t even go home from work. […]