What Do You Give Yourself Credit For? Part 2 – Video

This is a continuation of the video from last week with the sametitle – What Do You Give Yourself Credit For? And I hope you did the exercise that I suggested that you dowhich was to write down on paper all the little things that you’renot noticing that you can give yourself credit for. Doing […]

Taking Care Of Yourself

We live in such a busy world and taking care of yourself seems to come last – if at all. It’s important to take care of yourself during this holiday season and every day of your life. Take a least 15 minutes every morning to exercise, stretch and do something to take care of your […]

Being ‘OK’ With Being Unique And Being Yourself!

I want you to be OK with you being unique and for you to be with being yourself, this is something that so many women struggle with. They are not embracing who they are because of comparison. We are more than a 3D person, we have personalities, feeling and all the other things that make […]