Focus, Follow Through and Freedom

If it were only that easy to have Focus that allows you to Follow Through and then to have the feeling of Freedom.  Freedom that you can now move onto something new, Freedom that is the result of completing something.  You just never know what that feeling of Freedom can bring. Focus seems to be one […]

Women Need To Make Talking About Their Finances Fashionable

Women need to make talking about their finances fashionable. Which means that it should be OK to talk about your finances. There’ no if(s), and(s) or but(s). When women get together they talk a lot about many things. They talk about themselves, they talk about their kids if they have any, they talk about their […]

The Little Sparks That Happen Before The Light Bulb Goes On

When was the last time you had a light bulb moment? Were there little sparks that happened first? Sometimes there are a lot of sparks that happen over a period of time before the light bulb moment happens. The sparks (thoughts and feelings) start to go off in your understanding of life and soon those […]