What’s Going On In The World With All The Advertising?

What’s going on in the world right now with all the ads you see and hear every where targeted to you to buy, buy, buy, making you want to shop, shop, shop!  It can become very overwhelming at times.  Do you have the ability to control your shopping and buying impulses? Do you really need to buy, buy, […]

Comparing Yourself To Other People

Comparing yourself to other people is something that most people do and I hear it everywhere I go. Most people have a natural tendency to compare themselves to other people like their siblings, a neighbor, a friend, or even a movie star, the list is endless. The whole comparing yourself to your sibling thing starts […]

Women Need To Make Talking About Their Finances Fashionable

Women need to make talking about their finances fashionable. Which means that it should be OK to talk about your finances. There’ no if(s), and(s) or but(s). When women get together they talk a lot about many things. They talk about themselves, they talk about their kids if they have any, they talk about their […]