Are You Craving Something Different?

That is a good question to ask yourself if you are not already thinking it. A lot of people are not totally happy with their lives or certain part of their lives. It could be your job, your current living situation, your wardrobe. It’s endless when it comes to the areas where you could be […]

What’s Your Style?

‘What’s your style’ is the question I have asked women, and these are some of the things that they’ve said when the subject of style came up. …. Ummm, I don’t know.’ or ‘I’m a jeans and  t-shirt kind of girl’ or ‘I like pants, no dresses’ or ‘I’m not sure really what my style […]

Unusual Things That Inspire You

                                 Have you ever looked around and saw something that has been there for a very long time, but then for that moment you see it in a whole different light for some reason.  It could be something really small like a decorative vase or a potted plant, maybe even a decorative pen and pencil holder. […]