Learning To Receive So That You Can Give – Part 3

This is the last of this 3 part series of Learning To Receive So That You Can Give Learning to receive is all about valuing yourself.  To often people don’t value the person they are, what talents they have or what they have to offer people in terms of service or even if they have […]

Where Are The Places That Inspire You?

Take a moment and think about all of the places where you’ve felt thatspark of inspiration come into your mind or your heart. If it wasn’t aspark and more like a thought or feeling that came to you, then justsit with that for a moment. Did you know that inspiration is very important to your […]

Something That Makes You Happy Just By Looking At It

Have you ever thought about what makes your happy just by looking at it? For example have you ever looked at a bottle of perfume (if you have and wear perfume that is) and for some unknown reason it made you smile and maybe even made you feel happy without you even realizing that it […]