What Would You Do With Extra Money Each Month?

If you had an extra $1,000.00 a month, what would you do with it? Women always have amazing ideas about the things that they would love to do with an extra $1,000.00 a month.  I’m pretty sure that you have at least thought about what you would do with any extra money that you receive. […]

Did You Know That Your Life Is Like A Collage!

Did You Know That Your Life Is Like A Collage! It’s true!  Your life is made up of so many different things like; your experiences, the good, the bad and the beautiful.  Which is comprised of your triumphs, losses, loves and more. Just like a collage made of paper, cloth or wood, which by the […]

Blend A Little Bit Of Creativity In With Your Finances

So often, our finances become such a logical and boring thing that we have to take care of, and it doesn’t have any creative element to it.  It can also become a drudgery depending on your thoughts and feelings towards it. Since you have to take care of your finances on a continual basis you might […]