Feeling Bad About Your Body At The End Of The Holiday Celebrations?

Are you coming off of the holidays and end of the year celebrations feeling yucky? (yucky is a real word, I looked it up in the Webster’s Dictionary) Yucky seems to be the only word that really describes what it feels like after the Holidays. Just when you thought you had enjoyed the holidays- something crept in to make […]

Episode #19 – Not Looking Back

I am here in beautiful Hawaii and I want to send the Aloha Spirit out to all of you that are listening, I hope you feel it and I hope you feel my love. And I want to send out some Hawaiian Sunshine as well, it makes you feel good. I want to share with […]

Episode #11 – Fear!

Aloha, in this episode I talk about the dreaded topic of FEAR! Fear is everywhere, it so pervasive. Fear shows it’s ugly self in so many different ways and starts in childhood at such a tender age. Everything we learn for the first few years of our lives is from our parents, grandparent or aunts & uncles […]