Women Need To Make Talking About Their Finances Fashionable

Women need to make talking about their finances fashionable. Which means that it should be OK to talk about your finances. There’ no if(s), and(s) or but(s). When women get together they talk a lot about many things. They talk about themselves, they talk about their kids if they have any, they talk about their […]

Do Things Differently In Your Life! – Part 2

In part 1 of “Do Things Differently In Your Life” article, I talked about why it is important to do things differently. How things become a breeze when you become you. I even apologized to my Mom for being difficult, even though I didn’t say those exact words.  🙂 So, I want to talk a […]

What’s Your Style?

‘What’s your style’ is the question I have asked women, and these are some of the things that they’ve said when the subject of style came up. …. Ummm, I don’t know.’ or ‘I’m a jeans and  t-shirt kind of girl’ or ‘I like pants, no dresses’ or ‘I’m not sure really what my style […]