Don’t Look Back

There are times in your life that you don’t always make the best decisions about certain things and so it is, it’s done, you’ve done things that you wish you didn’t.   Hopefully you can see the lesson that was being taught as you were in the middle of your “not so great decisions”.  Like that says […]

Life Is A Faith Building Experience

Life is one BIG classroom!  There’s always something to be learned each and every day and faith is one of those things that is learned along the way. Sometimes we don’t even realize that some of the things that we do and go through takes faith.  Faith is to hope for things which are not seen, but which are true. […]

Knowing Yourself Will Help You Know Your Finances

At what age do you really know yourself completely? Your likes and dislikes, your emotional capacity, your mental and physical ability, everyone is so different that there is no one correct answer. And… sometimes you know things about yourself that you don’t like and you try to not think about it. I know I’ve done […]