Made Money Mistakes? No Problem, Two Questions To Ask Yourself

Made Money Mistakes?  No Problem, Two Questions To Ask Yourself We’ve all done it … made money mistakes.  At the tine that we are making these money mistakes, it’s not in our awareness that we will regret it sooner or later.  After all it’s what’s making us happy at the moment so why would it […]

Comparing Yourself To Other People

Comparing yourself to other people is something that most people do and I hear it everywhere I go. Most people have a natural tendency to compare themselves to other people like their siblings, a neighbor, a friend, or even a movie star, the list is endless. The whole comparing yourself to your sibling thing starts […]

Do You Know Who You Are?

I want to ask you:  Who are you?  Do you know who you really are? Do you know what your unique personal qualities are? What inspires you and makes your happy?  Have you ever really asked yourself these types of questions? Is the answer NO!  Do you know that one of the greatest things you […]