Feeling Bad About Your Body At The End Of The Holiday Celebrations?

Are you coming off of the holidays and end of the year celebrations feeling yucky? (yucky is a real word, I looked it up in the Webster’s Dictionary) Yucky seems to be the only word that really describes what it feels like after the Holidays. Just when you thought you had enjoyed the holidays- something crept in to make […]

Episode #23 – Every Woman Has Secret Feelings About Her Body

Today I want to talk about the topic that ‘every woman as secret feelings about how she feels about her body!’ I wanted to start off by letting you know that this is really common.  Every woman has secret feelings about she feels about her body. Secret feelings don’t just show up one day in […]

10 Reasons Why You Should Care About What You Wear

It’s only obvious that everyone has to wear clothes everyday of their life. What’s interesting about that is the fact that clothes cost money, it takes time out of the day to care for and manage, and yet it is one of those things that we don’t give much thought to. It seems like it becomes somewhat robotic in […]