Episode #94-What Would Happen If You Said “YES” To Yourself?!

Episode #94-What Would Happen If You Said “YES” To Yourself?! What would happen if you said yes to yourself? It could be the greatest thing, it could be filled withamazing things. If you said yes, could you possibly open your treasurechest you’ve had locked up for a long time? Your treasure chest is like your […]

Episode #93-Have You Ever Said “I Can’t!”?

Episode #93-Have You Ever Said “I Can’t!”? Have you ever said, “I Can’t”? Are there new opportunities that you’re saying I can’t too? It could be for things that are going to help you learn andgrow mentally, spiritually, emotionally. When you say “I can’t”, what you’re really saying is “I won’t”and it’s usually fear that’s showing up on […]

Episode #92-Questioning Your ABILITIES? Find Out Why And What To Do!

Episode #92-Questioning Your ABILITIES? Find Out Why And What To Do! When we’re young you start to do things that you like anddon’t like, like chores. When you have to do the same things over and over, youget really good at it and that’s what creates ability and skill.  Then you’ll be able to say […]