Episode #103—Honoring Our Ancestors-Interview With Kealani Maka’iwi

Episode #103—Honoring Our Ancestors-Interview With Kealani Maka’iwi Hey ladies, in today’s episode I have a wonderful interview foryou, her name is Kealani Maka’iwi who has been my client fora while and she’s sharing her journey to get to where she istoday in and with her new creative business, that she loves! She also shares the really […]

Episode #102-Be CURIOUS?! You’ll Never Know Where It Could LEAD You!

Episode #102-Be CURIOUS?! You’ll Never Know Where It Could LEAD You! I like to talk about little children because I have Grandchildrenand they are so much fun to watch. Think back to when you were a kid, you used your imagination, and you played and were curious. What were you curious about?  What did you […]

Episode #101-COMMITMENT To Yourself! It Can Be A BEAUTIFUL THING!

Episode #101-COMMITMENT To Yourself! It Can Be A BEAUTIFUL THING! Your commitment to yourself.  I talk about things that I work on and commitment is one of those things. In the past, I’ve committed to only doing things that were easy.  But I’ve learned that I have to commit to doing things that arehard because […]