Episode #109-Your FIRST STEP To Get Your BUSINESS STARTED Today!

#109-Your FIRST STEP To Get Your BUSINESS STARTED Today! You can create anything you want with the creativity you have and all of the technology that exists that are available to you. One of the things that you have to do is to focus on your big vision.  If you’re not used to thinking big or […]

Episode #108-You Got QUESTIONS About Starting A Business? Is It Getting In The Way?!

Episode #108-You Got QUESTIONS About Starting A Business? Is It Getting In The Way?! These are real questions that people have about starting a business.   The number one question that stops people from starting a business is:What if I have fear and doubt? The second question that stops people is:What if no one buys my stuff […]

Episode #107-3 TYPES OF BUSINESSES To Choose From When Starting Your Business!

Episode #107-3 TYPES OF BUSINESSES To Choose From When Starting Your Business! I’m sharing some examples of the quickest businesses to start where you don’t need money to get started. Three things you can do: 1.  The first example is to teach something.  For example, if you know how to play the guitar or the […]