Episode #112-You Can’t RECEIVE If Your Plate Is Full!

#112-You Can’t RECEIVE If Your Plate Is Full! Receiving, for a lot of people, especially women is really hard.  You can’t receive if your plate is full. So many women pile a lot of things on their plate and thatone plate is your capacity to be able to do all the things thatyou have to […]

Episode #111-Are Failures Really Failures? LET’S FIND OUT!

Episode #111-Are Failures Really Failures? LET’S FIND OUT! I want to ask you what your thoughts are about failures and how you think about them.  When was the last time that you told yourself that you failed? Failure only happens when you don’t put forth any effort or you give up and quit. Look at […]

Episode #110-All About Having A BUSINESS Wrap-up & CELEBRATE!

Episode #110-All About Having A BUSINESS Wrap-up & CELEBRATE! Do you celebrate any of your wins, even if they’re small? Everything you do is important and I want you to celebrate all the wins you’ve had this week, and continue to celebrate your wins in your daily life. This weeks wrap-up:  In episode #105, I shared […]