Episode #76-What It Mean To Have A CREATIVE BUSINESS!

Episode #76-What It Means To Have A CREATIVE BUSINESS! Aloha sisters! I want to share with you what it means to have a CREATIVE business. IT’S WHATEVER YOU WANT IT TO BE! I’m not trying to be funny, but you can create and have whatever kind of business you want and that’s the beauty of […]

Episode #75-Mindset Wrap-Up

Episode #75-Mindset Wrap-Up! Aloha sisters, I wanted to do a wrap up about what I’ve been talking about in episodes #71 to #74 which is mindset. And it’s been an interesting journey learning about mindset. And I hope you found great value in what I’m talking about and the thingsthat I’m sharing. Mindset is so […]

Episode #74-What Mindset Are You Going To Choose?

Episode #74-What Mindset Are You Going To Choose? You have free will to choose, also known as agency. You do have a choice on what kind of mindset you want tohave. Mindset is like a bucket full of all different things like yourbeliefs and how you view yourself. Your Mindset is not fixed.  In my […]