Episode #85-COMPARING Yourself Is Like Apples To Oranges!

Episdoe #85-COMPARING Yourself Is Like Apples To Oranges! Comparison is a common problem that we do, and when Isay we do it, it’s because I have done it in my life and everynow and then I catch myself doing it. Think about the example of comparing apples to oranges,the only thing they have in common […]

Episode #84-“Aha” Moments-You Have Them!

Episode #84-“Aha” Moments-You Have Them! What are “Aha” moments? I looked it up online in the Merriam Webster dictionary and this is what the definition of that term is: a moment of sudden realization, inspiration, insight, recognition, or comprehension. What are some of your “Aha” moments?  Share them. I have a special offer starting today […]

Episode #83-Want To Imagine What’s Possible For You? – Lean Into Your Possibility!

Episode #83-Want To Imagine What’s Possible For You? – Lean Into Your Possibility! Consider what is possible for you.  Have you ever thought about what’s possible for you? Have you stop dreaming, stopped wondering, stopped imagining? You are creative! Lean into what’s possible for you at this moment. Get out your notebook and use your […]