Focus, Follow Through and Freedom

If it were only that easy to have Focus that allows you to Follow Through and then to have the feeling of Freedom.  Freedom that you can now move onto something new, Freedom that is the result of completing something.  You just never know what that feeling of Freedom can bring. Focus seems to be one […]

Are You In Survival Mode?

You might not even realize that you are in survival mode because life gets so busy and you make yourself even busier, falling into a day to day routine and next thing you know the busyness of life swoops in and causes you to become numb to the many wonderful wonders of life. Sometimes it […]

Isn’t It Great That We Are All Different

I love the diversity of all the people that I’m surrounded with, it makes life so great.  I think it would drive me crazy if there was someone in my life that was exactly like me.   People are so interesting.  I’m fascinated by the stories of their life, where they were born and raised, what kinds […]