What’s The Difference Between How Men and Women Think About Money?

The difference, It’s like night and day the way men and women think about their money, it’s amazing how the different it really is.  Of course this is not the case for ever single person out there in the world, but it is pretty common. Listed below are 3 major differences that I see and hear all […]

Made Money Mistakes? No Problem, Two Questions To Ask Yourself

Made Money Mistakes?  No Problem, Two Questions To Ask Yourself We’ve all done it … made money mistakes.  At the tine that we are making these money mistakes, it’s not in our awareness that we will regret it sooner or later.  After all it’s what’s making us happy at the moment so why would it […]

10 Inspiring Questions To Ask Yourself Everyday

                     These 10 Inspiring Question are a great way to start out your day, ask yourself these question and be prepared to be amazed! 1)  Who can I be of service to today? 2)  Am I respectful to everyone around me? 3)  Did I smile at […]