Feeling and Being Discouraged!

Feeling discouraged can be very frustrating especially if you feel discouraged a lot! This is what I know: the word ‘discourage’ is the direct opposite of ‘courage’.  I know that many women have been discouraged once or twice in their lives (maybe more). Being discouraged can make you crazy!  Especially if you hold on to the […]

Body Image, How It Affects You

One of the things that I’ve discovered by working with women is that they suffer from really poor body image.  It’s really hard to look good in your clothes if you have a really poor body image, because your poor body image shows up in your posture, how you stand how you walk, how you […]

Excitement For The Day!

Do you wake up every morning excited for the day? I’ve been asking myself that same question for a while now. Because of all the things I have to do on a daily basis, I haven’t been waking up excited for the day.  What is going on? There are so many people out there who […]