Where Are The Places That Inspire You?

            Take a moment and think about all of the places where you’ve felt that spark of inspiration come into your mind or your heart. If it wasn’t a spark and more like a thought or feeling that came to you, then just sit with that for a moment. Did […]

Top 10 Reasons Why ‘Knowing Who You Are’ Is Important

              1.  You can look at yourself in the mirror and smile with excitement for the day. 2.  Know what you’re really capable of doing. 3.  Have the ability to say YES or NO when you want to. 4.  Make better decisions on a daily basis. 5.  Make better financial […]

Your Self-Worth Matters!

Have you ever felt like there are some things that you’re struggling with and that you’ll never overcome them?  I know I have! There seems to be a problem that’s common among many of the women that I talk with in my community, women that I teach and women that I do business with… and, it’s low self-worth.  Have […]