Your Self-Worth Matters

Most people don’t like to talk about self-worth, but did you know that self-wroth drives everything that you do. If you feel like you don’t have any worth, it’s really hard to get anything done and it’s really hard to accomplish things. It’s time to start thinking about what value you have. Your self-worth matters!

What To Do If Your Hem Comes Apart And A Thread Comes Loose

If you’ve ever had a hem come apart in your clothes, there is a temporary solution. And, if you’ve ever had a loose thread anywhere on your clothes, don’t pull it. Here are some suggestions for you to do that will help you with these situations when you’re out and about. There are two things […]

Fear…We Can Overcome It!

We all suffer from FEAR and it ranges in degree.  If you have or ever had fear, just know that it is possible to overcome it, but first you have to recognize that you have fear.